Traditional Romanian Polenta Recipe | How to make polenta (2024)

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Make traditional Romanian polenta, the easy way! I will show you how to make polenta perfectly, every time!

Polenta is a staple dish in many countries around the world, especially in Italy, Romania, and Northern Africa. It is made from boiled cornmeal, which is then shaped into cakes or used as a base for a variety of dishes. Polenta is incredibly versatile, and its origins can be traced back to ancient civilizations in the Americas.

Traditional Romanian Polenta Recipe | How to make polenta (1)

What is Romanian Polenta?

Romanian polenta, commonly known as “mămăligă” in Romanian, is a traditional cornmeal-based dish that holds a special place in Romanian cuisine. It is a versatile and beloved staple that has been enjoyed for generations, making it an integral part of Romanian culinary culture.

Key Characteristics of Romanian Polenta:

  • Cornmeal Base: The core ingredient of Romanian polenta is cornmeal, a type of ground corn. This finely ground cornmeal is used to create the base of the dish.
  • Texture: Romanian polenta can vary in texture, ranging from creamy and smooth to firm and sliced. The texture largely depends on the ratio of liquid to cornmeal and the cooking method employed.
  • Versatility: One of the defining features of Romanian polenta is its adaptability. It can be served in various forms, making it suitable for a wide range of culinary applications. Whether it’s served as a side dish, a base for stews and soups, or creatively incorporated into other recipes, Romanian polenta can take on different forms to suit different tastes.
  • Cultural Significance: Romanian polenta is deeply rooted in the country’s cultural and culinary traditions. It is often associated with rural life and is a cherished component of Romanian family gatherings and celebrations.
  • Historical Roots: While the term “mămăligă” may sound uniquely Romanian, the dish’s origins can be traced back to the Americas. Corn, the primary ingredient in cornmeal, is native to the Americas and was introduced to Europe following the Columbian Exchange. Over time, it became an essential component of Romanian cuisine.
  • Accompaniments: Romanian polenta is commonly served as a side dish alongside various meat-based dishes. It complements the flavors of roasted meats, stews, and gravies exceptionally well. Additionally, it can be topped with a variety of sauces or served as a bed for other ingredients.

In summary, Romanian polenta, or “mămăligă,” is a cornmeal-based dish celebrated for its versatility and cultural significance in Romania. Its adaptability allows it to be enjoyed in numerous ways, making it a beloved part of Romanian culinary heritage. Whether it’s creamy or firm, plain or flavored, Romanian polenta continues to be a cherished component of traditional Romanian meals and a symbol of the country’s rich culinary history.

Traditional Romanian Polenta Recipe | How to make polenta (2)

Tips for making the best polenta

Making the best Romanian polenta, also known as “mămăligă,” requires attention to detail and some culinary finesse. Here are some tips to help you achieve a delicious and authentic result:

1. Use High-Quality Cornmeal:

  • The foundation of great polenta is high-quality cornmeal. Look for fine or medium-ground cornmeal for a smoother texture.

2. Choose the Right Cornmeal-to-Liquid Ratio:

  • The ratio of cornmeal to liquid determines the texture of your polenta. For creamy polenta, use a ratio of about 1:4 (one cup of cornmeal to four cups of liquid). For firmer polenta, use less liquid.

3. Use a Mixture of Water and Milk or Broth:

  • To enhance flavor and creaminess, consider using a mixture of water and milk or broth instead of just plain water. Many people prefer a combination of milk and water or vegetable/chicken broth for a richer taste.
  • For a creamy, smooth polenta, use a mixture of milk and water, or chicken or vegetable broth, instead of just water. For a firmer polenta, use less liquid. If you want to add flavor to your polenta, try stirring in some grated cheese, garlic, herbs, or even a little bit of olive oil.
Traditional Romanian Polenta Recipe | How to make polenta (3)

4. Slow and Steady Cooking:

  • Patience is key when making polenta. Cook it over low to medium heat, stirring continuously to prevent lumps from forming. The slow cooking process allows the cornmeal to absorb the liquid fully and develop a creamy consistency.
  • When it comes to making the best polenta, the key is to use high-quality cornmeal and to cook it slowly and steadily, stirring often to prevent lumps from forming. A traditional Romanian polenta is made with yellow cornmeal and is served as a side dish with meat dishes or as a base for stews and soups.

5. Add Salt Sparingly:

  • Begin with a small amount of salt and taste as you go. Cornmeal has a naturally mild flavor, so you don’t want to overpower it with salt.

6. Stir Constantly:

  • Consistent stirring is essential to ensure the cornmeal is evenly cooked and free of lumps. Use a wooden spoon or a whisk and be prepared to invest some time in stirring.
Traditional Romanian Polenta Recipe | How to make polenta (4)

Creative polenta variations

In terms of variations, the options are endless! Some people like to add diced vegetables, such as mushrooms or bell peppers, to the polenta mixture, while others prefer to top their polenta with a flavorful sauce. For a more substantial meal, try serving sliced polenta topped with a hearty tomato sauce and melted cheese. You can also use polenta as a base for a variety of other dishes, such as a hearty vegetable and bean stew, or as a crust for a savory quiche.

Here are some creative polenta recipes you can try:

  • 10 Recipes with Polenta That Are Comforting and Delicious
  • Creamy Polenta | The Best Creamy Polenta Recipe Ever!
  • Mushroom Polenta
Traditional Romanian Polenta Recipe | How to make polenta (5)

This is the basic polenta recipe. It’s simple and yet it can be modified in so many ways to create new and even more delicious recipes. All you need are just 3 ingredients: water, cornmeal, and salt. I often eat itinstead of bread because it’s much healthier and also it contains a higher amount of fibers.

In conclusion, polenta is a delicious, versatile, and affordable dish that has been enjoyed for centuries. Whether you prefer it creamy or firm, simple or loaded with flavor, there is a polenta recipe out there that is perfect for you!

Traditional Romanian Polenta Recipe | How to make polenta (6)

Basic Polenta Recipe | Traditional Romanian Polenta

Easy recipe for traditional Romanian polenta, easy to make and without a hassle! Make polenta the easy way!

5 from 1 vote

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Prep Time 5 minutes mins

Cook Time 30 minutes mins

Course Side Dish

Cuisine Romanian

Servings 6 + servings

Calories 158 kcal


  • 1 L water
  • 200 g cornmeal
  • 1 tsp sea salt
  • 25 g butter optional


  • Bring water to a boil in a large pot. Add sea salt.

  • Take cornmeal by the handful and add to water slowly by sprinkling it bit by bit. Stir quickly to avoid lumps. Use a long handled wooden spoon (I used one with a hole in the middle which is more suitable for liquid consistency meals).

  • Cook for 20-30 minutes, stirring constantly. Polenta will become very thick while cooking. It is done when it comes away cleanly from the sides of the pot.

  • Optional – Add butter.

  • Pour polenta in a round shape form and let it cool for 15 minutes.

  • Cut polenta into slices and serve!


Serving: 1gCalories: 158kcalCarbohydrates: 24gProtein: 3gFat: 5gSaturated Fat: 2gPolyunsaturated Fat: 1gMonounsaturated Fat: 2gTrans Fat: 0.1gCholesterol: 9mgSodium: 424mgPotassium: 108mgFiber: 3gSugar: 1gVitamin A: 104IUCalcium: 8mgIron: 1mg

Keyword cornmeal, polenta

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Do you like polenta? Here are some creative recipes using cornmeal:

  • Mushroom Polenta
  • Creamy Polenta | The Best Creamy Polenta Recipe Ever!
Traditional Romanian Polenta Recipe | How to make polenta (2024)


What is the Romanian version of polenta? ›

What exactly is mămăliga (polenta)? It is basically a porridge made out of yellow maize flour, traditional in Romania, the Republic of Moldova and West Ukraine. Mămăliga (polenta or cornmeal) is a fat and cholesterol-free, high-fiber food.

What is the method for making polenta? ›

If Using the Standard Method: Add water, milk, or stock to a large saucier or saucepan and set over high heat. Sprinkle in cornmeal while whisking (water does not have to be boiling). Bring to a boil, stirring frequently. Let boil, stirring frequently, until polenta thickens enough that it starts to spit.

How do you say polenta in Romanian? ›

Mămăligă (Romanian pronunciation: [məməˈliɡə];) is a polenta made out of yellow maize flour, traditional in Romania, Moldova, Hungary, Ukraine and among Poles in Ukraine, the Black Sea regions of Georgia and Turkey, and Thessaly and Phthiotis, as well as in Bulgaria (kacamak) and in Greece.

Is polenta Italian or Romanian? ›

The dish comes from Italy. It may be allowed to cool and solidify into a loaf that can be baked, fried, or grilled. The variety of cereal used is usually yellow maize, but often buckwheat, white maize, or mixtures thereof may be used. Coarse grinds make a firm, coarse polenta; finer grinds make a soft, creamy polenta.

Which cornmeal mush served in Romania resembles the Italian polenta? ›

Mămăligă is a cornmeal mush (similar to polenta) that is the staple of Romanian cuisine.

What makes the best polenta? ›

The best polenta is made from stone ground corn, which comes in a coarse, medium, or fine grind. Cornmeal labeled polenta is usually a coarse-grind, but you can make the dish with a medium or fine-grind.

What was polenta originally made from? ›

Used by the ancient Sumerians and in Mesopotamia, polenta was a dish made with millet and rye. The classic version, however, is made by cooking coarse grain flour in salted boiling water. Initially, a mixture of coarse spelt cooked in salted water was used and considered peasant food.

Is polenta better with milk or water? ›

The Liquid

In Italian cooking, polenta is made with water. Some more Americanized recipes will prompt you to start with milk or stock, but (in my opinion) they are wrong. Hydrating your polenta with water will allow the flavor of the corn to shine, and it will allow each individual grain to absorb salt more readily.

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Sarmale (Romanian Cabbage Rolls) is widely considered to be Romania's national dish. Sarmale is one of the most popular recipes with each region having its own subtly tweaked version with different meat, vegetables and local herbs.

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Romania. The traditional Romanian breakfast is milk, tea or coffee alongside (toasted) bread with butter or margarine and on top of it, honey or fruit jams or preserves. Sometimes the buttered bread is served savory instead of sweet, in which case the Romanians add cured meats, salami, or cheese.

What is the American version of polenta? ›

Grits were originally consumed by Native Americans and are an enduring staple ingredient across the American South. Polenta is a dish of cornmeal porridge that originated among farmers in Northern Italy and is a staple in Italian and Italian American cooking.

What is polenta called in America? ›

Both grits and polenta fall under the heading of cornmeal, which is essentially a coarse flour, or “meal,” made from dried corn.

What do Italians eat with polenta? ›

As a soft, just-cooked porridge, polenta owns a sweet corn flavor and robust texture. It takes on the flavors of its added ingredients, which can be as simple as its traditional partners, butter and cheese. Often porridge-style polenta is served topped with sautéed seasonal vegetables, meats and seafood. Get creative!

What is the best substitute for polenta? ›

Packages labeled polenta mean that the grind of the corn is appropriate to make the polenta dish, but you can substitute regular medium or coarsely-ground cornmeal instead.

What are Romanian MICI made of? ›

Mititei (Romanian pronunciation: [mitiˈtej]) or mici ( Romanian pronunciation: [mit͡ʃʲ]; both Romanian words meaning "little ones", "small ones") is a dish from Romanian cuisine, consisting of grilled ground meat rolls made from a mixture of beef and lamb and pork, with spices such as garlic, black pepper, thyme, ...

Is Mamaliga Romanian? ›

It's the national dish of Romania and also enjoyed in Moldova and many other countries in Central, Eastern, and Southeastern Europe. Similar to polenta, mămăligă showcases the flavor of the corn, and it can be a side dish or the main attraction.

Is semolina the same as polenta? ›

What Is the Difference Between Polenta and Semolina? As polenta is made from corn, it's gluten-free. Semolina, on the other hand, is coarsely ground, high-gluten durum wheat used to make pasta, cakes, and breads.


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