Easy 4 Ingredient Homemade Egg Noodles Pasta Recipe (2024)

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My easy Homemade Egg Noodles recipe (like Reames) is sure to become a family favorite! These noodles are my whole family’s absolute favorite thing I make. They often want these for their birthday and we have had them on many holidays, especially Christmas.

I am so excited to finally get this recipe on the blog. I have been making these noodles for over twenty years, now over 26 years. They are one of the first things I attempted to make homemade. They came out great the very first time!

Easy 4 Ingredient Homemade Egg Noodles Pasta Recipe (1)

You really can make this easy homemade egg noodles recipe with no special equipment. I have never had a pasta maker so I make these by hand. When I first started making them I used a tall drinking glass as my rolling pin. I just floured the glass the same way you would a rolling pin. I don’t have a pasta drying rack so I just lay them out on the counter on paper towels to dry.

They are easy and very inexpensive to make (especially when you compare the cost to Reames). You can use thesenoodles in any recipe that calls for egg noodles, makingthem very versatile. Theycan be made thick, thin, wide or narrow depending on the capacity you are going to use them. Or just because you prefer them one way or another.

They dry and cook faster if they are thin. But they are very tasty, however you make them. They do take up quite a bit of counter space when they are drying.

Table of contents

  • Ingredient List
  • How to make homemade noodles
    • What is the Best Way to Separate Egg Whites and Yolks?
    • How to Roll Dough
    • Tips for Making Homemade Pasta
    • Other Helpful Information
  • Easy 4 Ingredient Homemade Egg Noodles Pasta Recipe ↓
Easy 4 Ingredient Homemade Egg Noodles Pasta Recipe (2)

Ingredient List

This egg noodle recipe only requires 4 simple ingredients!

Flour – all purpose

Eggs – one whole egg and 3 egg yolks.



Easy 4 Ingredient Homemade Egg Noodles Pasta Recipe (3)

How to make homemade noodles

Making fresh pasta dough is really easy.

  1. Start by separating 3 of the eggs. Discard the 3 egg whites or save for another use.
  2. Mix flour and salt in a large bowl. Make a well in the center of the flour; add egg, egg yolks, and water then mix until just combined. Pour flour mixture out onto the counter dusted with flour and shape into a ball of dough. If dough is too sticky, mix in enough extra flour to make the dough easier to handle. If dough is too dry, mix in enough water to make the dough easier to handle. Divide dough ball into 4 equal parts.
  3. Roll one-fourth of the dough into a rectangle on a floured surface. Roll the dough as thin as 1/16 of an inch or as thick 1/8 of an inch. Loosely fold lengthwise into thirds. Using a sharp knife cut crosswise into strips 1/8 to 1/2 inch wide, as desired. Dry pasta by laying noodles in a single layer on paper towels for at least 30 minutes, and up to 3 hours.
  4. Break or cut pasta into smaller pieces. Bring a large pot of water to a boil, add noodles then turn down to medium heat after it comes back up to a boil; cook 20-30 minutes or until desired doneness. Mix with your favorite sauce. The thicker the noodles are the longer they will take to cook. You can also add them to your favorite soup and cook just like you would in water.
Easy 4 Ingredient Homemade Egg Noodles Pasta Recipe (4)

What is the Best Way to Separate Egg Whites and Yolks?

We use an egg separator like this one. A family friend gave it to me about 22 years ago. Before that I would crack the egg as evenly as possible and let as much of the egg white as possible sort of fall out. Then pour the yolk into the other half of the egg shell and go back and forth until you are left with only the yolk. For visual aid check out Jamie Oliver’s short video.

How to Roll Dough

Liberally flour the clean counter.

Roll dough a little at a time by rolling a little then turning the dough over and rolling a little more. Add more flour as needed so the dough doesn’t stick. Don’t push too hard with the rolling pin or the dough will be more likely to stick.

Add flour to the rectangle of dough before you fold it into thirds.

Have patience. While these noodles came out great the first time I made them they got easier to make the more I made them. I learned little tricks that work for me and you will too!

Easy 4 Ingredient Homemade Egg Noodles Pasta Recipe (6)

Tips for Making Homemade Pasta

  • I mix my flour, eggs and water in a large bowl then turn it out onto the counter. You can mix it right there on the counter. I have seen cooks on cooking shows do it this way.
  • Be sure to flour your work surface, the knife you cut the pasta with and your hands.
  • Cover the remaining dough with a clean towel, paper towel or plastic wrap while you work each portion.
  • Try making thin and wide egg noodles, or thicker and thinner egg noodles to see which you like best.
  • Thin narrow noodles will result in more noodles than thick wide noodles.
  • I always cut my noodles into 2 or 3 inch pieces. They can be left long but I have never made them that way. When I started making these noodles there was no internet and so I interpreted the recipe to cut them into smaller pieces It never occurred to me to leave the noodles long.
Easy 4 Ingredient Homemade Egg Noodles Pasta Recipe (7)

Other Helpful Information

These are a tender noodle like Reames and not hard like the egg noodles that come in a bag on the regular pasta aisle.

I cook them right after they dry.

These noodles can be cooked in soups but need to be fully cooked before using them in a casserole or mixing with a sauce.

Easy 4 Ingredient Homemade Egg Noodles Pasta Recipe (8)

My mother in law used to talk about how her mother made the most delicious noodles because hers were so thin. I made mine that way for many years. Then Lee shared with me that he actually likes them thicker. So I started making them thicker. I like them both ways. I have thought about getting a pasta machine but I really like rolling out the dough and cutting the noodles by hand.

Our easy homemade egg noodles recipe is perfect to use in homemade chicken noodle soup or covered with your favorite sauce. They can also be cooked in beef broth or chicken broth for an easy side dish.

Easy 4 Ingredient Homemade Egg Noodles Pasta Recipe (9)

I use these noodles to make and . The Beef & Noodles recipe in the link calls for Reames Noodles because I wanted it to be easy. You can use fresh or frozen noodles in either of these recipes.

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Easy 4 Ingredient Homemade Egg Noodles Pasta Recipe ↓

Easy 4 Ingredient Homemade Egg Noodles Pasta Recipe (10)

Easy Homemade Egg Noodles Recipe (like Reames)

Mindy Boyd

Homemade Egg Noodles (like Reames) combine flour, salt, eggs, and water. That’s it, 4 ingredients including water. This comfort food is so easy to make!

5 from 9 votes

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Prep Time 30 minutes mins

Cook Time 30 minutes mins

Drying Time 2 hours hrs

Total Time 3 hours hrs

Course Main Course

Cuisine American

Servings 8


  • 2 cups flour, plus additional as needed
  • 1 tsp salt
  • 3 egg yolks
  • 1 whole egg
  • 1/3 cup water

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  • Mix the flour and salt in a large bowl. Make a well in center of flour. Add egg yolks, whole egg, and water; mix thoroughly. If dough is too sticky, mix in enough flour to make dough easy to handle. If dough is too dry, mix in enough water to make dough easy to handle.

  • Pour out onto a floured surface and form into a ball. Divide dough into 4 equal parts. Roll one-fourth of dough at a time on a lightly floured surface, into a rectangle. Loosely fold rectangle lengthwise into thirds. Cut crosswise into strips 1/8 to 1/2 inch wide, as desired. Lay noodles in a single layer to dry on paper towels for at least 30 minutes, and up to 3 hours.

  • Break or cut into smaller pieces and cook in boiling water or in soup for 20-30 minutes. The thicker the noodles the longer they will take to cook.


Drying time will depend on the thickness of the noodles, temperature, humidity, etc.

See notes in the post above for information that will help you make this recipe successfully.

Nutrition Facts

Calories: 143kcal | Carbohydrates: 24g | Protein: 5g | Fat: 3g | Saturated Fat: 1g | Polyunsaturated Fat: 1g | Monounsaturated Fat: 1g | Trans Fat: 1g | Cholesterol: 93mg | Sodium: 303mg | Potassium: 48mg | Fiber: 1g | Sugar: 1g | Vitamin A: 127IU | Calcium: 17mg | Iron: 2mg

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Easy 4 Ingredient Homemade Egg Noodles Pasta Recipe (2024)


What's the difference between egg noodles and homemade pasta? ›

Eggs are the big differentiating factor between egg noodles and other pastas. But it isn't that regular pasta is made without them entirely (although technically it can be). Rather, it's that the dough generally calls for a smaller proportion of eggs. So, in a way, pretty much all pasta is a type of egg noodle.

What makes egg noodles egg noodles? ›

Egg noodles are a type of noodle made from eggs and flour. Other types of noodles, like store bought pasta commonly used in spaghetti, use water and flour. Making dough for egg noodles involves mixing eggs and flour until they're like clay. Then, you knead them.

Can I use egg noodles instead of pasta? ›

Yes, you absolutely can substitute noodles for pasta, and vice versa, in a recipe. While it is up to personal preference, note that egg noodle recipes typically suggest cooking the noodles until they are soft and tender, while pasta recipes recommend cooking the pasta al dente (slightly firm).

How long does it take egg noodles to cook? ›

Bring a large pot of salted water to a rolling boil over high heat. Drop in the egg noodles and stir so they don't stick. Cook until just past al dente, about 10 minutes. Drain and return to the pot.

Are homemade egg noodles good for you? ›

They're often enriched with vitamins and minerals and contain nutrients like manganese, selenium, and B vitamins. However, they are also high in carbs, contain gluten, and could contribute to weight gain if consumed in high amounts.

Are egg noodles and egg pasta the same? ›

If noodles are made using semolina, they're pasta. So all pasta are noodles, but not all noodles are pasta. And if they contain eggs, they're egg noodles. (Or egg pasta, if they're made from semolina.)

Are homemade egg noodles healthier than store bought? ›

Many people consider homemade pasta healthier than dry pasta because of the egg. Eggs offer a range of beneficial nutrients, including iron and carotenoids.

What causes egg noodles to fall apart? ›

Egg noodles are more delicate than wheat noodles and can easily fall apart if you overcook them or stir them too vigorously.

What are the contents of egg noodles? ›

Egg noodles are made from two ingredients: eggs and wheat flour. They tend to be flat and long, though there are some short and thin varieties. Different names for egg noodles include: Youmian, used in lo mein, is a thin egg noodle common in Asian cuisines.

How do you dry homemade egg noodles? ›

Fresh noodles may be dried. At room temperature, they should only be allowed to hang for drying no more than two hours to prevent possible salmonella growth. A food dehydrator may also be used to dry noodles; recommendations for drying in a food dehydrator are to dry for two to four hours at 135F.

Can I just crack an egg into my noodles? ›

If you want to add egg to ramen, wait till the noodles boil. Then crack in the egg, mix it around, and drain as usual.

Can diabetics eat egg noodles? ›

Egg noodles are typically not better than pasta for diabetics - typically pasta is better than egg noodles for diabetics. This is because egg noodles are high in carbohydrates (40 grams per 1 cup serving) compared to white pasta (30 grams per 1 cup serving).

Can you use egg noodles in place of macaroni? ›

Most macaroni and cheese recipes use elbow macaroni.

But grandma had another idea – and it's a fantastic one! This old-fashioned baked mac and cheese recipe uses egg noodles instead of elbows. And with just five simple ingredients, it's a pasta recipe you'll want to add to your collection.

How to make ramen noodles step by step? ›

Cooking Instruction
  1. Bring 2 cups of water to a boil in a pot.
  2. Add dry noodles into the pot, breaking up as soften.
  3. Cook for 3 minutes, stirring occasionally.
  4. Remove from heat. Add 2 Tablespoons of ramen soup base, stir it well.
  5. Transfer into the serving bowl. Add garnishes as desired.

How many noodles for 4 servings? ›

Brandwein advises measuring each box of long noodles into four equal portions to achieve a serving size of about 1 to 1 1/2 cups of cooked pasta.


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