Recipe: Blueberry-Vanilla Oatmeal Protein Muffins (2024)

This is not your average muffin recipe!

These scrumptious blueberry muffins are packed with protein, fiber, and the healthy fats you need to power through your day.

My forever challenge is to have delicious and nourishing breakfast foods on hand – to grab and go on those busy mornings. So many pre-made “health food” snacks are loaded with sugar and leave you crashing and craving more.

Instead of the conventional sugar-bomb recipes out there, we bring you a healthy alternative that’s gluten-free, dairy-free, with no added sugar. And these can easily be made vegan, by replacing the eggs with ground flax seeds (see directions below).

The hands-on prep time for these little yum-yums is just 10 minutes. By soaking the oats for 30 minutes (in your milk of choice), the muffins turn out more moist and the oats more tender.

For one of my several test batches, I added a quarter cup of unsweetened applesauce. The flavor is subtle, but results in a more moist texture that’s springy and light.

If applesauce has too high a sugar impact for your comfort, try replacing it with a mashed green banana, or simply leave it out.

If you just simply can’t wait to pop these in the oven, you can skip the soak, and expect slightly more chew. Either way, your kitchen will smell divine!

If you have an egg intolerance or would like to make this vegan, simply replace the eggs with two tablespoons of ground flaxseed whisked with two tablespoons of water.

And while the kitchen is already in action, make a double batch and freeze them for up to one month. Simply reheat in the oven for that fresh from the oven taste. Enjoy these delicious blueberry muffins with a cup of collagen coffee… your whole body will thank you!

Recipe: Blueberry-Vanilla Oatmeal Protein Muffins (1)

Recipe: Blueberry-Vanilla Oatmeal Protein Muffins (2)

Recipe: Blueberry-Vanilla Oatmeal Protein Muffins (3)

June 22, 2020

Virgin Diet compliant: Cycles 1, 2, and 3
Sugar Impact Diet compliant: Cycles 1 and 3

Note: This recipe contains optional eggs. If you are egg intolerant, please use flaxseed instead.

Look no further! Instead of the conventional sugar-bomb, here’s a gluten-free, dairy-free muffin that’s loaded with protein, fiber, and the healthy fats you need to power through your day, with no added sugar.

  • Prep: 10 mins
  • Cook: 25 mins
  • Yields: 12 Muffins


1 cup gluten-free rolled oats (not quick oats)

1-3/4 cup unsweetened almond or coconut milk

1/2 cup almond flour

2/3 cup pecans, roughly chopped

1 tsp poppy seeds

2 tsp ground cinnamon

1/4 tsp ground nutmeg

1 tsp baking powder

1 tsp baking soda

1/2 tsp sea salt

1 scoop JJ Virgin All-In-One Vanilla Protein Shake (Plant-Based or Paleo-Inspired)

2 large eggs (if not egg intolerant) or 2 tbsp flax whisked with 2 tbsp water

3 tbsp pastured ghee or coconut oil, melted

1/4 cup unsweetened applesauce or mashed green banana

1 tsp stevia or monk fruit extract (or more, to taste)

2 tsp real vanilla extract

1 1/2 cups fresh or frozen blueberries

Optional: Plain or vanilla unsweetened dairy-free nut milk yogurt


1Preheat oven to 425F. Line a 12-cup muffin tin with paper liners.

2Place oats in a food processor and pulse a few times, then soak oats in milk for about 30 minutes. (You can skip the soak in a pinch, but this makes the muffins more moist!).

3In a large bowl, combine the almond flour, chopped pecans, cinnamon, nutmeg, baking powder, baking soda, protein powder, sweetener, and sea salt. Whisk well and set aside.

4Combine the soaked oats, eggs, oil, applesauce, and vanilla extract in a separate small mixing bowl.

5Add wet ingredients to the dry, and stir with a wooden spoon or rubber spatula until just moistened. Don’t overmix – stir enough to eliminate pockets of dry ingredients, but don’t worry if there are lumps.

6Gently fold in the blueberries.

7Using a tablespoon, fill lined muffin cups full with batter.

8Bake for about 20-25 minutes, or until the muffin tops are golden brown and a toothpick inserted in the middle of a muffin comes out clean.

9Let muffins cool completely to ensure the paper comes off easily.

Find out more about JJ Virgin All-In-One Protein Shakes in our store, including FAQs and why our shakes are better than all the rest…

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Nutrition Facts



Protein7 g

Cholesterol43 mg

Sugar4 g

Total Fat20 g

Total Carbohydrates13 g

Dietary Fiber4 g

Thanks so much for reading! You can get plenty more delicious, healthy recipes when you follow us on Pinterest

Recipe: Blueberry-Vanilla Oatmeal Protein Muffins (4)

Recipe: Blueberry-Vanilla Oatmeal Protein Muffins (2024)


Can you add protein powder to boxed muffin mix? ›

Can you add protein to box muffin mix? Yes, you can add protein to a box muffin mix.

How much protein is in a homemade blueberry muffin? ›

Muffins, blueberry, homemade (1 medium - approx 2 3/4" to 3" diameter) contains 49.7g total carbs, 48g net carbs, 12.5g fat, 6.8g protein, and 337 calories.

Why are my protein muffins dry? ›

The key to avoiding a dry protein muffin recipe is to not use too much protein. You never want the dry ingredients in your muffin batter to be made up of more than half protein powder.

Why are my oatmeal muffins dry? ›

Too little fat will result in dry, less tender muffins. Carefully cut on lines found on the butter/margarine stick wrapper. Or, pack it into dry (nested) measuring cup, then use a spatula or straight edge of a knife blade to level even with the top of the cup.

What are the rules for baking with protein powder? ›

this means that if your recipe requires 1 ½ cup of flour, you can use up to ½ cup of protein powder instead of flour. To simplify things a bit, think about it in these terms: Your batter should not be more than ½ protein powder. Don't Fear Fat – Remember, fat is a macronutrient – meaning that you need it.

Can you replace flour with protein powder in muffins? ›

Although you can replace part of the flour with protein powder, you should never replace more than ⅓ of the flour with protein powder. Ideally, you should be aiming to replace just ¼ of the flour with protein. Anything above will get you a dry texture.

Is it OK to eat a blueberry muffin on a diet? ›

The average coffee shop blueberry muffin is hardly what you'd call a health food: It's got almost 470 calories—nearly double what you'd get from a chocolate frosted donut—and most of those calories come from refined carbohydrates, primarily white flour and sugar.

Is a blueberry muffin healthier than a donut? ›

It's time for a food face-off. When it comes to calories, carbs, and sugar, there's a clear winner: doughnuts. The fried rings have 155 fewer calories, half the carbs, and 21 fewer grams of sugar than muffins.

How much protein is in a Costco blueberry muffin? ›

Kirkland Signature
Nutrition Facts
How much protein is in Kirkland, Blueberry Muffins? Amount of protein in Kirkland, Blueberry Muffins: Protein 8g
Vitamins and minerals
How much Vitamin A is in Kirkland, Blueberry Muffins? Amount of Vitamin A in Kirkland, Blueberry Muffins: Vitamin A 0μg0%
17 more rows

How do you keep muffins moist and fluffy? ›

If you're hoping to create extra moist muffins or aren't going to eat them for a while, consider using paper liners instead. Paper liners will help keep the moisture inside of the baked goods, allowing the muffins to remain fresher for longer.

What makes muffins more moist? ›

Chilling your muffin batter overnight in the fridge is the BEST thing you can do for amazing muffins. It makes them more moist, tender, and TALLER! It's very similar to chilling cookie dough, which if you know me you know I'm obsessed with chilling cookie dough. Think of it like marinating.

What can I substitute for protein powder in muffins? ›

Did you know that you can make high protein muffins without protein powder? Just replace it with more oat flour or almond flour, you are still going to get plenty of high quality protein from the yogurt. Greek yogurt can be replaced with Skyr, quark or with any other thick yogurt of your choice.

What ingredient may she have forgotten to add to her muffins that would have caused them not to rise? ›

The baker had forgotten to add baking powder. Baking powder is a mixture of baking soda (sodium hydrogencarbonate) and a mild edible acid such as tartaric acid.

What not to do when making muffins? ›

Common Muffin Making Mistakes To Avoid
  1. Over mixing the batter.
  2. Overfilling the muffin tray.
  3. Leaving the muffins in the pan after they have baked.
  4. Berries, nuts, and chocolate chips sink to the bottom.
Mar 12, 2019

How do you make muffins moist and not dry? ›

Why muffins come out dry and crumbly
  1. use butter AND oil -butter makes things tasty but oil makes things moist. So use both!
  2. don't mix the batter more than 12 times ; and.
  3. don't bake for longer than 20 minutes.
Nov 16, 2019

What can I add to boxed muffin mix to make it better? ›

Makers love to use these 5 ways to experiment with muffin mixes to make something extra special.
  1. Add Fresh or Frozen Fruit to the Batter. ...
  2. Add a Cream Cheese Filling. ...
  3. Add Nuts to the Batter. ...
  4. Add a Sweet Topping. ...
  5. Make Something Completely Different.

What happens when you add protein powder to baked goods? ›

Baking with protein is very different to normal baking, especially baking with whey protein powder because it causes the baked items to become dry if not counteracted with other ingredients.

Can you add protein powder to batter? ›

Yes you can add protein powder to pancake mix. Then, add a bit more of your liquid ingredient, like milk or whatever you're using, because your protein powder will make your pancake batter a bit thicker.

Can I add protein powder to bread mix? ›

Whey protein does well in most baked goods. Try adding it to your pancakes, muffins or waffles. It's an amazingly easy way to turn your favourite sweet foods into something healthy. And why not try adding whey protein next time you bake bread.


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Name: Barbera Armstrong

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Introduction: My name is Barbera Armstrong, I am a lovely, delightful, cooperative, funny, enchanting, vivacious, tender person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.