Weekly Horoscopes - Debbie Frank (2024)


Neptune adds a different dimension to everything this week. Almost surreal. You may not know exactly what’s what, you may find yourself in a dreamland, or lost for both words and a solid footing. However, this is temporary. It will pass and besides, Summer Solstice is here with all its promise and an important Full Moon next Saturday which clarifies all misunderstandings.


As Mars powers through Taurus you are better equipped than most other signs to deal with the rabbit hole energy of Neptune’s influence which is a strangely sensitive time. Stay grounded and wait for the Full Moon next Saturday to give you the heads up on what’s happening right now and in your future.


Just before the Sun, Mercury and Venus depart from Gemini this week they fall under Neptune’s spell which creates something of a magical mystery tour and some thing you thought were set in stone do a disappearing act. However a Full Moon crossing the financial angles of your chart next weekend looks set to deliver a proper balance sheet.


There’s a strange sense of being ghosted by old ideas and certain people yet with Neptune you can never be sure if it’s real or a figment of your imagination. The great news is that Venus, Mercury and the Sun are stepping into Cancer this week lifting your sense of radiance, clarity and putting you in touch with your purpose. Plus a Full Moon on the relationship angle of your chart next Saturday (the first of two in a row) offers heart felt meetings and decisions.


It would be wise to give things time instead of jumping to conclusions this week as Neptune is spinning things around and things are far from solid or a done deal. In this space allow the creative side of your spirit to come to the fore and come from the heart. Summer Solstice is followed by a Full Moon which will clear a lot of debris in your life, making space for the new.


There’s a lot of ambivalent energy around this week so you may feel you’ve lost your discerning touch, or your blind spot has made you vulnerable. Dysfunctionalities aside, this is a week which is capable of creating special effects, ambient lighting and mood music. However the reality checks you normally live by are in short supply. After next Saturday’s Full Moon you see things more clearly.


This is an out-0f-the-ordinary week due to Neptune’s misty effects. A time when people and events tend to drift off-centre as if everything is going into soft focus. If you are a lucky Libran you might experience this in the form of romantic bliss. However, it’s also possible that you experience some degree of things being mixed up. Keep your cool and feel your way through. After next Saturday’s Full Moon you’ll sense a greater order in the grand scheme of things.


Fortunately you are a water sign and therefore able to go with the flow. So if certain elements are little blurry just let go of needing the answer and look on some situations as an exercise in trust or lesson in discernment. Summer Solstice brings the sun to the most expansive sector of your skies and a lot of things are going to unfold from here. Starting with the Full Moon next Saturday which confirms plans and projects.


This week is likely to contain both the mysterious and the miraculous due to Neptune’s surreal influence. It’s not the best time to take any kind of risk but it’s a great moment to receive inspiration. Bide your time, take a reality check before you commit and await next Saturday’s Full Moon in the financial angle of your chart which shows you exactly what’s what.


This year is unusual because you will be the recipient of two consecutive Full Moons in your sign. The first of which occurs next Saturday 22nd June, the next in July. It’s Summer solstice too on the 20th and Venus, the goddess of love is draping herself all over the relationship angle of your chart which helps to spread a sense of warmth and well-being. All in all, it’s a moment to ponder on tender moments – whilst of course keeping your earthy hooves on the ground.


The overall ambience of this week is floaty rather than factual. As an air sign you prefer to take a logical approach to most things but the fates are decreeing that you move through an area that doesn’t add up in the way you would like it to. Perhaps someone is being ambivalent, in a state of denial or you unclear yourself. Let it be. Focus on tending to the small things in life and by Saturday’s Full Moon in the party angle of your chart you’ll enjoy being part of the zeitgeist.


Boundaries, boundaries – do you have them? Where do you draw the line? As Neptune’s impact is prevalent you may find yourself getting drawn into something that drains you or turns out to be not what it said on the tin. Keep your wits about you and look at what’s drifting as an opportunity to coast along. Full Moon time next weekend is your opportunity to make choices, take decisions and turn things around.

Weekly Horoscopes - Debbie Frank (2024)


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Introduction: My name is Arline Emard IV, I am a cheerful, gorgeous, colorful, joyous, excited, super, inquisitive person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.