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Assassin's Creed II Walkthrough and Guide
by Michael Monette
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Assassin Tombs
To unlock the “Armor of Altair” set in the Sanctuary inside the Villa Auditore in Monteriggioni, you must collect six seals from the tombs of assassins long past.
There are six such tombs in Assassin's Creed II. The first tomb you will visit is under the Santa Maria Novella during Sequence 4 as part of the main story. The other five tombs are optional, but will appear on the map (denoted by an assassin's symbol icon) when they become available.
The tombs are hidden deep within each location, and require the completion of a number of “climbing puzzles” to uncover.
Collect all six seals and plug them into the indentations on the base of each statue in the Sanctuary to obtain the Armor of Altair, which is the strongest armour in the game and never needs to be repaired.
The “Armor of Altair” Set
In this section you will find a video walkthrough of each tomb, since written instructions would just be hard to follow (and to write).
Il Duomo's Secret
Location: Basilica Santa Maria del Fiore in Florence
Unlocked: After Sequence 4 - Memory 4: Novella's Secret
Treasure: Seal of Iltani
Finding Iltani's Tomb
Torre Grossa's Secret
Location: Torre Grossa in Tuscany/San Gimignano
Unlocked: Sequence 5
Treasure: Seal of Wei Yu
Finding Wei Yu's Tomb
Ravaldino's Secret
Location: Rocca Di Ravaldino in Romagna/Forli
Unlocked: After Sequence 6 - Memory 2: Romagna Holiday
Treasure: Seal of Qulan Gal
Finding Qulan Gal's Tomb
San Marco's Secret
Location: Basilica Di San Marco in Venice
Unlocked: Sequence 8
Treasure: Seal of Amunet
Entering the basilica
North Trial
West Trial
South Trial
East Trial and finding Amunet's Tomb
Note: The four trials can be completed in any order.
Visitazione's Secret
Location: Santa Maria Della Visitazione in Venice
Unlocked: Sequence 9
Treasure: Seal of Leonius
Finding Leonius's Tomb
Paying Respects
This memory is not available from the get-go. You first must create a Uplay account and link it to your Xbox Live or PlayStation Network tag. Then, you can redeem points earned by unlocking certain achievements/trophies in the game. You can access Uplay through Assassin's Creed II by pressing Y/Triangle while on the main menu.
The Auditore Family Crypt (“Uplay Exclusive Bonus Map”) costs 40 Uplay points to unlock.
Location: Auditore Family Crypt in Monteriggioni
Unlocked: Sequence 5 (if redeemed via Uplay)
Treasure: 5000 florins
Use Uplay points to purchase the Auditore Family Crypt. Paying Respects “Uplay Exclusive Map”
Finding the burial chamber
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Comments for Assassin Tombs
31 comments, latest first.
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Apr 25th 2015Guest
thanks i did 5 tombs still couldnt unlock you helped me find the 6th in forli
ID #547491
Mar 13th 2015Guest
The altairs armor is so cool but not so after you have completed the game
ID #527962
Jun 19th 2015Guest
If you get assassins creed brotherhood you altaira armor from the get go
ID #572718
Feb 13th 2015Guest
The puzzles were freakin' impossible until i used Supercheats! Then I did them so easily thx! :D
ID #515624
May 21st 2014Guest
Love Assassin's Creed II This helped me so much thankyou!!!!!!!!
ID #386624
Nov 24th 2013Guest
ID #321630
Jul 22nd 2013Guest
Stuck on the last two tombs cause I'm not the best to do timed puzzles.:-) :-) :-) :-) :-) :-) :-) :-) :-) :-) :-) :-) :-) :-) :-) :-) :-)
ID #299540
May 24th 2013Guest
ID #284896
Mar 17th 2013Guest
Darius' tomb is the first you find on returning to Firenze/Florence after visiting the sanctum and you have to do it to leave the catacombs after eavesdropping on the meeting plotting the assassination attempt where you rescue Lorenzo from di Pazzi's men. This is only the optional ones. Just finished the Auditore family tomb and figuring out how to get the chest above the section where you have to swim through, I came on to get a hint as to how.
ID #264751
Sep 26th 2012Guest
I am stuck on Santa Maria Della Visitazione in Venice, the video stops when Enzio is pulling the lever. Is there another place to view this?
ID #189139
Sep 2nd 2012Guest
I Have Finished The Game And I Went On To My DNA Thingy And It Says That I Have Collected 2/5 Seals But Isnt There Suppoased To Be 6 Assassin Tombs?
ID #182431
Aug 21st 2012Guest
Thank you, thank you. This was simply helpful and an amazing guide. Got my Altair gear back on!!!
ID #178365
Jul 13th 2012Guest
can you get back inside after you get altairs armor
ID #163704
Apr 11th 2012Guest
thanks alot its a very helpful piece lol
ID #132292
Nov 15th 2011pekerman7
i am stuck in the last tomp can i use a cheat~?
ID #87692
Jul 30th 2011Guest
I think this guide is missing a tomb or does the Auditore Family Crypt in Monteriggioni contain the seal of Daruns as well?
ID #62590