Assassin's Creed II/Side Missions (2025)

  • Assassin's Creed II
  • Table of Contents
  • Gameplay
  • Walkthrough

Table of Contents


  • Controls
  • Combat
  • Equipment

DNA Sequences

  1. Ignorance is Bliss
  2. Escape Plans
  3. Requiescat in Pace
  4. The Pazzi Conspiracy
  5. Loose Ends
  6. Rocky Road
  7. The Merchant of Venice
  8. Necessity, Mother of Invention
  9. Carnevale
  10. Force Majeure
  11. Alter Egos
  12. Forlì Under Attack
  13. Bonfire of the Vanities
  14. Veni, Vidi, Vici
  • Races
  • Courier assignments
  • Beat-up events
  • Assassination contracts
  • Assassin's tombs
  • Templar lairs


  • Florence
  • Monteriggioni
  • Tuscany
  • Romagna
  • Venice


  • Uplay
  • Achievements and trophies


  • 1 Races
  • 2 Courier assignments
  • 3 Beat-up events
  • 4 Assassination contracts
  • 5 Assassin's tombs and seals
  • 6 Templar lairs

There are four types of side-missions, which can be completed for extra florins and better synchronization between Desmond and Ezio. Each mission type has its icon on the map, so they are easy to locate. Side-missions are unlocked by completing memories in the DNA sequences.

Races[edit | edit source]

For races, you simply have to run through a series of location markers within a certain time limit. Only the next marker is shown – as a green target icon on the map, and as a small white whirlwind in your normal view. These races consist mainly of free-running and may take more than one attempt to figure out the proper route or even to know where the next marker is, as they're hard to spot sometimes. Guards will still act normally during races, and your route is over rooftops many times, so take their actions into account.

Courier assignments[edit | edit source]

These missions require you to take letters to people in the city. These are fairly simple with generous time limits.

Beat-up events[edit | edit source]

Beat-up missions have you locating a woman's cheating spouse or boyfriend and melee fighting him until he submits. In later missions you'll only be given the general area of the target, so use eagle vision and look in out-of-the-way places where an adulterer might be able to find some privacy with his mistress.

Assassination contracts[edit | edit source]

By far the largest portion of side-missions, Lorenzo de Medici will task you with various assignments to spoil his enemies' plans. Assassination contracts can be started from pigeon coops on rooftops, and there are usually two or three in a city. The missions are the same regardless of where you start them. In general, you'll need to locate and kill the targets, although sometimes there will be special provisions like not using weapons or not being seen.

Assassin's tombs and seals[edit | edit source]

Underneath your villa, accessible from the room with the codex pages, you'll find the Sanctuary, which houses Altaïr's tomb and statues of previous legendary Assassins. You can read bios on each of the statues, and you'll see some armor atop Altaïr's sarcophagus behind a locked gate. Your uncle tells you that each of the six locks on the gate corresponds to six Assassins' tombs located throughout Italy. If you find the tombs and acquire the seals, you can bring them back to the Sanctuary to open the gate and get Altaïr's armor. Though it has the same combined stats as the Missaglias armor, it has a different look and never needs to be repaired.

Once you meet up with Volpe during the game, you'll learn how to spot and open the secret entrances to the Assassins' tombs. At this point, all the entrances will be marked on your map when you get to that area. All Assassins' tombs are restricted areas, so your alert status will be permanently notorious while you're in there and guards will attack upon seeing you. Although the tombs often contain some guards, they are mainly lengthy exercises in platforming. When you find the Assassin's sarcophagus, you can open it to get the seal and the memory ends when you take a secret exit out of the tomb. The tombs may also contain secret areas that have an extra treasure chest or two in them.

Templar lairs[edit | edit source]

The Templar lairs are not part of the basic game and only come with special editions or certain downloadable content. For console versions, the White edition comes with the Templar lair in Florence, and the Black and Master's Assassin versions come with all three lairs available. If the normal or White version was purchased, you can also gain access to all three lairs by downloading the enhanced version of Sequence 13. For the Windows version, you get access to all three lairs by purchasing the Black edition of the game. The lairs are also included in the Ezio Collection.

Templar lairs are much like Assassin's tombs, as you have to find your way through a large structure with a lot of platforming and you'll sometimes have to deal with guards. As in tombs, there are secret areas to find that contain treasure chests. At the end of the lair, instead of opening a sarcophagus, you get to open a Templar treasure, worth thousands of florins.

Go to top

  • Sequence 14: Veni, Vidi, Vici
  • Side Missions
  • Races

Table of Contents


  • Controls
  • Combat
  • Equipment

DNA Sequences

  1. Ignorance is Bliss
  2. Escape Plans
  3. Requiescat in Pace
  4. The Pazzi Conspiracy
  5. Loose Ends
  6. Rocky Road
  7. The Merchant of Venice
  8. Necessity, Mother of Invention
  9. Carnevale
  10. Force Majeure
  11. Alter Egos
  12. Forlì Under Attack
  13. Bonfire of the Vanities
  14. Veni, Vidi, Vici
  • Races
  • Courier assignments
  • Beat-up events
  • Assassination contracts
  • Assassin's tombs
  • Templar lairs


  • Florence
  • Monteriggioni
  • Tuscany
  • Romagna
  • Venice


  • Uplay
  • Achievements and trophies

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Assassin's Creed II/Side Missions (2025)


What happens when you collect all 100 feathers in Assassin's Creed 2? ›

After collecting 100 feathers, you'll get the Auditore Cape by talking to Ezio's mother. After you collect 50 feathers, you'll get the Condottiero War Hammer by talking to Uncle Mario.

How many side missions are there in Assassin's Creed 2? ›

around 200 total, 100 each of story and side missions. To put it in comparison with the first game, there were only about 80 missions total in AC1, and that's including everything but the 420 flags and 60 templar.

What happens if you decline a mission in AC2? ›

Not only are they available later, but talking to a quest starter and declining will refill your lifebar, even for the crap little side missions like the races. :) For the record, it's also useful if you care about hitting all the context sensitive commands in a cutscene.

Why does Assassin's Creed 1 look better than 2? ›

The major improvements in AC1 over AC2 are probably just due to the switch from a static lighting system to a dynamic one, just like Unity and Syndicate.

How long does it take to 100% the Ezio collection? ›

Low 2.6% Retirement
PlayStation 4106109h 24m
PlayStation 51992h 52m
Xbox One38117h 12m
Xbox Series X/S8107h 51m
1 more row

How long does it take to get 100% in Assassin's Creed 2? ›

When focusing on the main objectives, Assassin's Creed II is about 19 Hours in length. If you're a gamer that strives to see all aspects of the game, you are likely to spend around 35½ Hours to obtain 100% completion.

How old is Ezio at the end of AC2? ›

Ezio is then 40 at the end of Assassin's Creed II, ending in 1499.

Is AC2 longer than Brotherhood? ›

Assassin's Creed 2 has the longest main story out of the Ezio trilogy while Brotherhood has one of the shortest. The second Assassin's Creed also has four cities to visit instead of one bigger city.

What is the longest Assassin's Creed game to complete? ›

Assassin's Creed Valhalla (872–878)

It's easily the series' biggest game; the average time to complete its main story is 60 hours, according to How Long to Beat (15 hours longer than the next biggest, Odyssey).

How many years does AC2 take place over? ›

The main narrative takes place at the height of the Renaissance in Italy from 1476 to 1499, and follows Ezio's journey as an Assassin while seeking revenge against those responsible for the death of his father and brothers.

Can you lose your sword in AC2? ›

You got it knocked out of your hand during the execution, right? You'll be given a new one soon. Yeah, they leave you without a sword for a little while to help you learn to rely on your hidden blade. You'll get a new sword before too long, though.

How many secret locations are there in AC2? ›

Early in the game, you complete the mission Novella's Secret which takes you through the first of the game's six hidden assassin's tombs. The remaining five tombs are all optional. At the end of each tomb, you'll find a special seal which you can use to unlock the gate behind Mario's den in the Villa.

Why Altair is better than Ezio? ›

Take Altaïr's exile into account while comparing that with Ezio's (near entire) life as an Assassin and you have him being the most likely winner. I argue that Altaïr would win over Ezio during their younger years, but that is due to skill and practiced technique in facing lethal opponents.

Why does Ezio look so different? ›

The real reason Desmond/Ezio's face looks different in AC: Revelations is because of behind-the-scenes contract disputes. (full explanation inside) It's actually because the face they were using was from a foreign model. For each game, they had to renew the contract to be able to use his likeness.

Which is the hardest Assassin's Creed game? ›

Every Assassin's Creed Game Ranked By Difficulty
  • #7: “Assassin's Creed: Brotherhood” (2010) ...
  • #6: “Assassin's Creed Origins” (2017) ...
  • #5: “Assassin's Creed Valhalla” (2020) ...
  • #4: “Assassin's Creed” (2007) ...
  • #3: “Assassin's Creed Odyssey” (2018) ...
  • #2: “Assassin's Creed III” (2012) ...
  • #1: “Assassin's Creed Unity” (2014)

What is the reward for collecting all the animus fragments? ›

The first 30 you collect are used towards unlocking Desmond Memories on Animus Island. Once 50 Animus Data Fragments are found the remaining 50 appear on your map. Finding all 100 of them earn you the Capped trophy/achievement.

How long does it take to collect all the feathers in AC2? ›

So after completing the game for the first time , i was still pumped up and decided to look for feathers and glyphs , took a guide and slowly started to collect them all and it took a total of 8-9 hours max.

What happens when you complete all assassin contracts in black flag? ›

Assassin Contracts return to the series yet again, this time though, they are on land and sea. All of the main islands in the game have Assassination Contracts aswell as most of the side ones. They reward you with the Pistol Swords for completing them all.

What do you get for completing all assassin contracts? ›

Accepted Answer. You just get money from each and every mission, there's no overarching reward for finishing them all. They do end, you can check in your DNA to see which ones you've done.


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